Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jarrett is TWO!

There is an unstoppable force in this world. Hurricanes? Maybe. Fire? Perhaps. But what I speak of is the phenomenon known as the two-year-old. Come to think of it, two-year-old boys. This little charmer is Jarrett, a shining example of the afore-mentioned two-year-old boys. His Daddy saw my Asher's two-year photos and wanted to do something similar for his little guy, who is about to also join the Big Brother's Club! Jarrett's very-pregnant (and surprisingly non-hormonal) Mommy and Daddy chased this little fireball around downtown Burleson with me, and I have to say, I had a BLAST! They are SUCH a fun family, and I can't brag enough both on how wonderfully Jarrett did and how Ashley DIDN'T complain about walking... in Texas... in May... while pregnant. We had some great moments, like when I squatted to take the first photo and fell over, on Ashley - the pregnant lady. And oh how we laughed when JP was performing acrobatics to make Jarrett smile and ripped his shorts open - in the back. We laughed, we fell, we were rained on, we trespassed... In all it was the most fun I've ever had in a session! Jarrett is such a neat - and adorable - little cutie who had incredible energy and a great big personality. I know he and Asher are going to become great buddies, and once his little sister gets here in a few weeks, Jarrett is going to be an awesome big brother!!!

Oh, so hip. Such a hip little hipster.

We made a friend along the way!

I don't know if this look is sneaky or Magnum...

OhMUHgosh, OhMUHgosh, OhMUHgosh I love it! Favorite!

Flexing those muscles!

The boy loves him some motorcycles.



Album cover. He's so intensely emo.

A little James Dean, no?


You guessed it: FAVORITE!!! I love little boys!!

The sophomore follow-up to his first album cover.

Makes you want to enlist, doesn't it?

Too cute for words! Favorite!

ABSOLUTE favorite! I love it so much! The bribe just makes it all the more perfect!

The screen is thick with emo.


Hahaha! Love his personality!

SUCH a cutie! Favorite!

Ashley, JP, and especially Jarrett, thank you guys so much again! You were all such a gas (I just wanted to say something was a gas today. Check!)! Your little growing family is so beautiful and wonderful and fun - I can't stress that enough. You guys gave me a fantastic session and WAY too many photos, as you can see by the thousands (I like to exaggerate) of sneak peeks. Your session is officially the most photos I've ended up editing, ever. Your head is going to explode from the overwhelming awesomeness. You rock my face off, and I can't wait to meet that baby girl once she gets here!!!

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