Has anyone else noticed how it's only been raining on the weekends? You'd think rain would be the biggest obstacle we'd have to overcome when it came time for the Mills family to have their session. Oh no. Rewind back to the beginning of May, the one weekend that it didn't rain, the DAY BEFORE our session, Leesa and baby Kyndle were in a car accident! Luckily, everyone was fine and just needed some rest. After everyone recuperated, we were gearing up to tear it up in an awesome session, when the heavens opened and the unthinkable happened: it rained! Determined to get these photos, we proceeded anyway, thumbing our nose (what does that even mean?) at Mother Nature and having what turned out to be an INCREDIBLE session completely inside! I love learning new things, and this was a definite opportunity to play around with lighting techniques. Leesa and Shannon are such great parents who are obviously just enamored with their baby girl! As you'll soon see, this was my favorite session to date, as evidenced by the BILLIONS of sneak peeks below! Okay, maybe not
billions. But once you start looking, you'll see why I have SO many favorites - and many of these images are SOOC!!! Leesa expertly coordinated everyone, and being the Mommy of two boys, I'm a sucker for bows! Kyndle is just now 6 months, and she had to be the happiest baby I've ever photographed. Plus, her eyes are SO DREAMY. I got a little gluttonous with photographs...
This is my new favorite shot ever. EVER. See what I mean about those eyes?

Adorable sign "established 2001". Happy 8 years!

Doesn't Leesa have a killer smile?

Ooh! Ooh! Flowers!!!!!

An almost ridiculously big and bejeweled flower headband... Leesa knows the way to my heart.

These next several photographs are all favorites. We shot them in about 30 seconds, and they just convey so perfectly what a happy baby Kyndle is! I'll be honest, they make my uterus skip a beat...

PRESH, no???


Kyndle and her big brother, Trey. They have the same birthday!

Leesa was DETERMINED to get some shots outside, so she just grabbed an umbrella and stood in the rain! LOVES it!
There, I made it without making one reference to Rihanna...

Okay all you Office fans, you've been thinking it the whole time, so I'm just going to say it: Is Shannon not a dead-ringer for David Wallace???


So ferocious. So fierce.

So fun! (Shannon called her bow "seaweed"! Hahahaha!)

Yes, this is the same image as the first, just in black and white. But I love it so I don't care.

Mills family, you were so wonderful, so patient, so determined to make a great session happen - and it paid off! I have never enjoyed editing a session as much as this one. In fact, I can't bring myself to toss most of the images! You'll end up with a two-disc set, I just feel it. This session pushed me outside of my box, and it ended up showing me new things that I love even more. Your family is a joy, and that baby girl of yours is beyond beautiful, above adorable... it's a bit late for all the alliteration, but she was far more than fantastic! Thank you again so much, and I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do!