One of my absolute favorites! I want a photo like this of my own family!

How much does Kari look like a Miss America contestant here?
Beautiful! I love the colors, and of course Emma!

There are no words to describe how much I LOVE this photo!!!!!
LOVE it.
Doesn't Emma smile so well? She was so great!!! Beautiful family!

Awesome picture!

Love that smile!!!
Emma decided to taste-test before she fed the ducks.

I love this face she's making!

Again, Miss America.
I have no idea what Emma is doing here, but it's ADORABLE and makes me smile just looking at how happy she is!

R family, you guys are so wonderful! I had a great time with you, and can't wait to get you the rest of your photos! I love photographing young families, and you were definitely one of the best (and best-looking) ever. Emma was great (really!), and she is just too cute for words! Thank you so much, both for the opportunity and for making it just so easy for me. I didn't even have to crack a single (inappropriate) joke to get these smiles out of you guys! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek, and your whole session will be off to you in a few days! Crazy, I know!!!
SO SO Adorable! Aww...she is the cutest thing!