My favorite. Had the session melted from this point on, this one made it worth it.
How sweet is this face?
I had to sneak in a few photos with his brother. Yes, I'm that Mommy that dresses them alike. Sue me, or buy me two of the same shirt.

I call this "Emo Kid's Facebook Profile Pic".

This is just so.... him. He's so funny and quirky and full of the most beautiful energy! Plus, get a load of those lashes!

Okay, I've already cleared a wall to frame and hang this next series. There are no words!

Those dreamy eyes!
WHOA. And it's time for a break.
And we're baaaaaaack!

Check out those muscles!

A mini-series to demonstrate how quick I have to be to catch a 2-year-old smiling.

Oh, so hip. So hip it hurts.

Yes, I am aware that he is a dead-ringer for MacAuley Caulkin. No, no one is casting for Dennis the Menace 2.

I promise I just don't let my children play in the train tracks....

I have no clue what this is. It's just him being him.

So that's my baby boy! I don't know how I lucked out - twice! - but I did, and I appreciate and love it every day. He is honestly just the neatest kid, the neatest person, I have ever known. He is such a pleasure and a hoot, and I am so honored to be his Mommy! I could go on and on about how brilliant he is, the hilarious things he says, the make-your-eyes-well-up sweet things he does and says, how handsome he is, what percentiles he measures in at the doctor's office... but I won't. I'll just enjoy him while he's still two and thank God that I have the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing little guy and to document his life in such a fun way. Thank you for indulging me!!! Now go hug your babies!