I had the high honor to spend the day with the gorgeous Burks family this weekend. The main purpose of the session was to get some headshots for their two sons and some promotional shots for Carina. You see, the two Burks boys are insanely gorgeous and adorable, and Carina can SANG. Not sing... sang. Their youngest boy wasn't feeling too great that day, poor little guy, so it ended up being his older brother's shoot, but as you can see below, it was QUITE productive! We had so much fun and laughed almost the whole time, and not all due to my own natural hilarity. There are so, so many more photos waiting for you, Carina and Donell! I barely had to do anything to them because your family is so beautiful! I got some great shots for you to use... but also snuck in some family ones, just because I'm me and couldn't help myself!

How much does the little guy already look like a model?? I snuck a picture of him, poor baby...

I'm a sucker for mother-son moments.

Brian McKnight? Is that you?

This is my favorite headshot! It portrays him - and the day - so perfectly!

I think she looks like an angel here!

My favorite of Carina! Isn't she beautiful?

Do you see how perfect his skin is? Sigh...

Quite possibly my favorite shot... ever.

He laughed the whole time!

Ha! See why I had such a great day?!

Thank you, Burks family! I had so much fun with you all! Don't forget the little people once you're famous!!!

And hopefully we can get some shots of you soon, little man! Feel better!!!
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